Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Honours


Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)


Faculty of Education and Arts

First Supervisor

Nicola Kaye


The aim of this research is to visually explore the intangible human condition of the transient self via the methodology of creative practice, specifically through the medium of video projection. A praxis will be developed between the creative research and the theoretical perspective, which will be grounded in the key ideas of the philosopher Slajov Zizek, as espoused by Zizek (2000; 2006), Catherine Belsey (2005) and Tony Myers (2003). Specifically, Zizek's notions of the Self and the Subject in relation to the Real and the Symbolic Order respectively will form the centre of the theoretical base. Key terms include the notion of 'the Act' and 'extimacy' in relation to self, the latter of which is derived from Jacques Lacan's notion of 'extimate', as outlined by Patrick Feury (2000) in relation to film. The research findings will act as a basis for a comparative analysis of specific works by three artists, providing examples of how these notions have been articulated in the past, and as means of informing my praxis. The artists include video artists Bill Viola and Anna Gaskell and glass artist Gabriella Bisetto. I also critically analyse my previous and current creative work through the same lens, and locate ways in which I have developed my practice using this theoretical framework. The aim of my praxis is to create video works and develop an experiential space that attempts to make the intangible, tangible.
