Date of Award
Document Type
Edith Cowan University
Degree Name
Bachelor of Nursing Honours
Faculty of Health and Human Sciences
First Supervisor
Heather McAlpine
This study explored the effect an educational unit on ethical issues in nursing had on the ethical reasoning of practising registered nurses. The educational unit was conducted at a university school of nursing as part of a baccalaureate degree programme for already registered and practising nurses. A quasi-experimental posttest design utilising stratified random samples compared subjects from one group who had undertaken the unit (n=53) with subjects from another group who had not (n=61). Ethical reasoning was measured using Grisham's Nursing Dilemma Test and a researcher designed demographic data sheet provided information on additional variables for analysis.The group which had undertaken the unit had a significantly higher principled thinking score at n=.05. There were no other significant findings for other variables. The result is discussed in relation to other research findings, various extraneous variables and theoretical and measurement issues.
Recommended Citation
Ambrose, E. C. (1993). The effect of a semester unit of study on ethical issues in nursing on a group of practising registered nurses. Edith Cowan University.