Date of Award


Document Type



Edith Cowan University

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts Honours


Faculty of Community Services, Education and Social Sciences

First Supervisor

Dr Diedre Drake

Second Supervisor

Dr Diane McKillop


Work-related psychological injury has not only increased as a percentage of all injuries but also accounts for the greatest cost, both in duration of lost time and financially (National Occupational Health & Safety Commission [NOHSC], 2001; NOHSC, 2002). There are two major explanations as to why this might be. One explanation is that stigmatisation of psychological injury has reduced, resulting in increased reporting (Manton, 2004). The other major explanation is that workplaces are becoming more stressful environments, resulting in increased levels of psychological injury to employees (Kenny & Cooper, 2003). This review will investigate those potentially influential factors that relate to perceptions of workplace psychological injury, in particular whether reduced negative perceptions have led to an increase in reporting of psychological injury or whether psychological injury has actually increased. This will provide clarification on the role of perceptions of psychological injury in the workplace and will provide direction for future research in this area.
