Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Teachers today are working in an era of rapid and complex change. Not only must they be aware of these societal and familial changes, but they must also know how to respond to the changed needs of individual children within the context of their changing families and society. It is no longer appropriate for teachers to operate on the basis of out-of-date stereotypes depicted by texts and teachings which have been based on earlier life-styles and circumstances. Teacher education institutions must also play their part in ensuring that both pre and post-service teachers are kept abreast of these rapid societal and familial changes and of recommended strategies arising out of these changes, if teachers are to effectively meet the needs of individual children within the context of their families and society as they exist today.
Recommended Citation
Butterworth, D. (1989). Changing Societal and Familial Trends : Changing Teacher Strategies. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 14(2).