Australian Journal of Teacher Education

One year "end-on" teacher education programs following a degree have long been a common approach to initial preparation of teachers, particularly secondary teachers. These programs have also been the subject of consistent criticism. They have been variously described as too brief, too theoretical, overcrowded with too many topics, superficial, short on school practice. Major reviews such as the Report of the National Inquiry into Teacher Education (Department of Education 1980) and the Discipline Review of Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science (DEET 1989) have recommended increasing both the length of the programs and their emphasis on preparation for classroom practice. If one year "end -on" programs continue to be used for initial teacher preparation how can they be made more effective? Consideration of this problem has given rise to the development of an innovative program in the Faculty of Education (Salisbury Campus) of the University of South Australia as one positive response to the problem. So far it has been offered in 1992 and 1993. This article describes the development of the program, the key concepts on which it is based, its implementation and evaluation in 1992, and modifications subsequently made in 1993. The article then discusses problems related to funding and issues to be taken into account in adopting or adapting the program for wider use.
Recommended Citation
Adey, K. L., & Speedy, G. (1993). End-On Innovation : A School-Based Approach to Secondary Teacher Education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 18(2).