Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Each year since 1987 a group of 16-20 Dip. Ed. students at Monash University has been placed in three or four schools for an extended ten week experience. As a member of the staff at Monash, I have spent half-time in the schools during this practicum supervising student teachers, arranging school experience activities and conducting seminars for student teachers and school staff. In 1993 I had a half-time teaching allotment in one of the schools so that my classroom also became a source of common experiences for follow-up discussion. This paper outlines the restructuring of the traditional preservice program that led to the school-based initiative and discusses a range of themes that have emerged over seven years of evaluation.
Recommended Citation
Northfield, J. (1993). A School-Based Initiative : An Opportunity to Better Understand the Practicum. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 18(2).