Australian Journal of Teacher Education

In this paper it is argued that teacher education has already gone through two major stages (or waves) in its development, and is perhaps about to embark on a third. The first part presents a broad history of various models in terms of three major variables: where pre-service learning is located, how the study of education is constituted, and who controls accreditation. It is suggested that Australia is likely to return to an earlier model of teacher education unless teacher educators themselves produce a better way in which to meet current criticisms. A new' educological' model is proposed which involves a wider definition of the professional teacher, a pre- and in- service concentration of the development of professional judgement, and a radical reconstruction of educational knowledge.
Recommended Citation
Tripp, D. (1994). Creating Waves : Towards an Educological Paradigm of Teacher Education.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 19(2).