Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Graduate student teachers in the Diploma of Education took part in a 10 hour elective on speaking in groups, aimed at helping those who were communication apprehensive or shy to overcome their fears. Confident speakers also took part, to provide modelling and assistance, and to learn ways of teaching oral communication in school. McCroskey's (1977) Verbal Activity Scale (VAS) and Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) were used with a questionnaire evaluating the programme (EvaIProg) to compare the reactions of the more and less confident speakers to the activities. The less confident speakers claimed to benefit from the programme, which is outlined. Certain activities were preferred by confident speakers and others by less confident speakers, reflecting the different ways each of the groups view themselves and their audience.
Recommended Citation
Murison Travers, D. M. (1995). Public Speaking for Graduate Student Reachers in the Diploma of Education.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 20(2).