Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Fox, Mem. (1993) Radical reflections : passionate opinions on teaching, learning, and living. Sydney, Harcourt Brace.
Ingvarson, L, and Chadbourne, R (Editors) (1994) Valuing teachers' work : new directions in teacher appraisal. Camberwell, Vic : Australian Council for Educational Research.
Shears, L. (Editor) (1995) Computers and schools. Camberwell, Vic : ACER.
Maltby, F., Gage, N. L. & Berliner, D. (1995) Educational psychology : an Australian and New Zealand perspective. Brisbane : John Wiley.
Recommended Citation
Sheridan, C., Crittenden, A., Haynes, B., Wild, M., & Blackmore, A. M. (1995). Four Book Reviews. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 20(2).