Australian Journal of Teacher Education

One challenge in teacher education is to provide strategies and processes which equip student teachers to examine, critique and evaluate their own understanding and beliefs about teaching. A strategy that has received considerable attention in the literature is journal writing. This paper reports the development of an analysis framework to interpret student teachers' journal writing. Data were drawn from interactive journals written by three students participating In an alternative teacher education programme. Analysis of the journals revealed that students used their journals to revisit their experiences and to reflect on their actions. The analysis enabled us to identify differences in the entries and led to the creation of the four framework categories: report, review and refocus, analyse, and reconceptualise. The framework provided us with a means of investigating and understanding the nature of the journal writing and its contribution to students' reflection on classroom experiences.
Recommended Citation
Evans, G. C., & Maloney, C. (1998). An analysis framework for reflective writing. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 23(1).