Australian Journal of Teacher Education

There has been a growing recognition in the international education community over the last decade of the need to begin the development of teacher-researchers in preservice courses. This paper explores the perceptions of professional empowerment of beginning teachers and their development as active teacher-researchers, drawing on data from surveys conducted in Western Australia of the 1999 and 2000 preservice teacher cohort. Consistent with issues emerging from current literature, the survey data confirmed the over-riding survival mindset of beginning teachers. However, responses also provided evidence of a research mindset open to opportunities later in their teaching career and the professional confidence and skills to become members of a school community of inquiry. A process model is proposed for development of teacher-researchers through preservice course experiences
Recommended Citation
Gray, J., & Campbell-Evans, G. (2002). Beginning Teachers as Teacher-Researchers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 27(1).