Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The global dominance of English as the principal language of international interchange in the teacher education field has, perhaps, diverted English-speaking scholars from the task of reviewing discourses in non-English languages. Taking as its focus the issue of professional knowledge in ITE, the present article considers scholarship predominantly of Spanish origin – to a lesser extent Portuguese and Latin American also – in an effort to begin to form an understanding of both historical antecedents and more recent approaches to professional knowledge in a Hispanic context. While the remit of the present article is one of introducing the work and ideas of significant scholars, it ends in pointing towards the need for further research in seeking to identify more fully what might be distinctive about the Hispanic contribution to a global discussion in the face of new 21st-century realities in teacher education and society more generally.
Recommended Citation
McCluskey, R. (2007). Professional Knowledge in Initial Teacher Education (ITE): a Preliminary Review of Hispanic Literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 32(3).