Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This paper is concerned with the extent to which both structural and agency factors were at play in the establishment and maintenance of an innovative model of Education Studies at Murdoch University in Western Australia, from the mid 1970s to 2003. Regarding structural factors, the fact that the University was established as one of a number of ‘new’ universities on the national scene, with a brief to break out of the curricular traditions of the established universities, meant that there was latitude for the adoption of new curriculum structures in outlining the parameters of Education Studies. However, it required the agency of Brian Hill, the Foundation Professor of Education, to make this happen. The paper outlines how the nature of the model that eventuated was largely a transfer of models which Hill witnessed both in North America and within Australia and which he adapted to local conditions, seeking in the process to bring about what he considered to be an improved composite version based on his professional experience in a number of universities.
Recommended Citation
Gardiner, D., O’Donoghue, T., & O'Neill, M. (2010). The Construction Of Education as an Area of Study at Murdoch University: 1974-2003. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6).