Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study aimed to investigate pre-service teachers’ views about teaching and the relation of those views to epistemological beliefs, gender, and subject areas. The data collection tool was adapted from “The Traditional Teaching (TT) and Constructivist Teaching (CT) Scale,” developed by Chan and Elliot (2004). Participants consisted of 490 pre-service teachers from different teacher education programs in Turkey. Principal component analysis was carried out, and nine items were removed from the adapted questionnaire because of low loadings. The data analysis showed that pre-service teachers preferred constructivist teaching views more than traditional teaching views, and this correlated with their epistemological beliefs. Male participants preferred constructivist teaching views significantly more than female participants did. Freshmen, sophomores, and those from English language programs preferred traditional teaching significantly more than others did.
Recommended Citation
Yilmaz, H., & Sahin, S. (2011). Pre-Service teachers' Epistemological beleifs and Conceptions of Teaching. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(1).