Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Value has been found in providing recognition and awards programs for excellent teachers. Research has also found a major lack of these programs in both the USA and in Australia. Teachers receiving recognition and awards for their teaching have praised recognition programs as providing motivation for them to continue high-level instruction. Motivational theories provide a solid foundation for these programs. Teacher educators should find ‘recognition’ as an important part of their curriculum in terms of teaching the research behind motivational theories. They can also encourage K-12 schools to provide recognition to the excellent teachers working with university teacher educators assisting student teachers. The concept of merit pay is being touted in both the USA and Australia but the research has found merit pay to be a non-motivator and it has not provided significant improvements in student learning outcomes in most programs that have provided it.
Recommended Citation
Andrews, H. A. (2011). Supporting Quality Teaching with Recognition. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(12).