Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study examines student teaching of elementary teacher preparation programs in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States of America (USA). Two programs comparable in program design, course requirements and goals were selected for exploration. The key aspects that were studied about student teaching include its unit ratio in a program, features of placements, written work by student teachers and evaluation. Findings indicate that these programs share the same basic elements related to student teaching but differences exist in student teaching sequence, focus on candidates’ practice to assume teaching responsibilities, participation in evaluation and level of peer interaction. The PRC program places an emphasis on teamwork of candidates and makes them active evaluators in a three-step sequence including mock mini lessons. The USA candidates are required to gain considerably more field and teaching experience in duration and number of lessons to teach cross multiple subjects. They also reflect on their practices regularly in addition to fulfilling other credential requirements beyond the program. Educational implications are discussed regarding the characteristics of the programs in an international context.
Recommended Citation
Liu, P. (2012). Student Teaching Practice in Two Elementary Teacher Preparation Programs. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(1).