Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The aim of this research was to examine Turkish pre-service teachers` knowledge and perceived self-efficacy beliefs toward using expository text as an instructional tool in their future classroom settings. The research sample were 346 pre-service teachers who studied in different teacher preparation programs which included elementary classroom and middle content classrooms (for example, science, social studies and Turkish language arts) teaching professions. A teacher efficacy inventory and a knowledge test about using expository text were developed and administered to the pre-service teachers in a public university in Turkey. The research findings showed that there was a small but positive correlation between the pre-service teachers` self-efficacy beliefs scores and the knowledge test scores in spite of the small correlation coefficient between the two variables. In addition, the pre-service teachers rated their self-efficacy beliefs as efficacious in using expository texts in their future classrooms. They also identified themselves as having medium level knowledge about use of expository text. Results indicated that while there was not any significant difference regarding pre-service teachers` perceived self-efficacy mean scores in terms of gender, the pre-service teachers` knowledge mean scores about using expository text differed from each other according to gender. Moreover, findings revealed that the pre-service teachers` perceived self efficacy beliefs and knowledge varied significantly from each other according to their training programs. The pre-service teachers` knowledge had significant differences among course years, in contrast to this, their perceived-self efficacy beliefs did not differ from each other according to course year. Additionally, the interaction between course year and training programs had significant effect on the teachers` perceived self-efficacy beliefs and knowledge about using expository text.
Recommended Citation
Yildirim, K., & Ates, S. (2012). Turkish Pre-Service Teachers` Perceived Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Knowledge about Using Expository Text as an Instructional Tool in Their Future Classroom Settings. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(8).