Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The present study aimed to analyze the potential difficulties in the problems posed by pre-service teachers about first-degree equations with one unknown and equation pairs with two unknowns. It was carried out with 20 pre-service teachers studying in the Department of Elementary Mathematics Education at a university in eastern Turkey. The Problem Posing Test (PPT) including 5 items concerning the equation types was used as the data collection instrument. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews were made with each pre-service teacher. It was found that the pre-service teachers had difficulties in seven categories of problem posing. These difficulties were centered on incorrect translation of mathematical notations into problem statements, unrealistic values assigned to unknowns, and posing problems by changing the equation structure. Moreover, the pre-service teachers were found to have greater difficulty in posing problems about equation pairs.
Recommended Citation
Isik, C., & Kar, T. (2012). The Analysis of the Problems Posed by the Pre-Service Teachers About Equations. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(9).