Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Teacher educators rightfully dream of delivering inspiring programs to benefit future teachers and the students they will in turn inspire. However, in the current teacher education environment in Australia, the artisan’s craft of weaving rich texture and producing a masterpiece is potentially over-shadowed by the educational administrator’s continual focus on the mapping of professional standards to produce an accreditation-worthy product. Responding to increased accountability, teacher educators at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, embarked on re-developing programs utilising a process akin to tapestry weaving. This metaphor enriched contributors’ understanding of the complex process of teacher education program re-development and it reflected qualities associated with the emergence of a tapestry, including artistic blocks and changing perspectives, agendas and anticipated outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Simon, S. E. (2013). The Weaving of a Tapestry: a Metaphor for Teacher Education Curriculum Development. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(8).