Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Synchronous and asynchronous communication provide a resource in terms of curriculum, planning and implementation of lessons as well as a source of kinship of like-minded teachers who find in each other sympathetic and empathetic sounding boards. Interviews with four administrators and 22 members of the Trinidadian teachers’ Facebook site A Teacher’s Voice (ATV) revealed that the site is used by its 4,895 members as an informal professional development tool and allows for the nourishing of teachers’ personal development. According to these interviewees, ATV helps to develop teachers professionally through the provision of information on: (a) curriculum; (b) teaching methodologies; (c) instructional technology; (d) general teacher concerns (e) ethical concerns; and (f) topical issues globally and locally. ATV, according to the participants, also promotes personal development through: (a) mentoring; (b) social support and collaboration; (c) celebrations; (d) shared humor; and (e) prayer.
Recommended Citation
Bissessar, C. S. (2014). Facebook as an Informal Teacher Professional Development Tool. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2).