Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Digital technology (DT) has a significant role to play in modern education. This study examined motivational goals of student teachers in initial teacher education in Singapore and the influences of goals on their use of DT personally and in the classroom. The participants (N=312) responded to a survey about their motivational goals (learning vs. performance) and DT application (personal vs. classroom application). Results showed that personal use of DT, especially for younger teachers, was clearly more than classroom application. Females were found to have higher performance goal. Structural equation modelling found that learning goals were positively related to both personal use and classroom application, but performance goals were not positively related to either outcome. As performance goals were found to be unrelated to classroom application of DT, teacher education should focus more on the development of learning goals so as to encourage teachers, especially females, to use DT for teaching.
Recommended Citation
Yeung, A. S., Tay, E., Hui, C., Lin, J. H., & Low, E. (2014). Pre-service Teachers’ Motivation in Using Digital Technology. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(3).