Australian Journal of Teacher Education

While many researches have focused on the self-efficacy's effects, few researches studied antecedents' variables of self-efficacy. The present study purpose was to examine how social context, motivational and teacher training variables related to teachers' self-efficacy. The study examined a theoretical model that links between Social Context variables and self efficacy through motivational and teacher training variables. 218 Arab teacher students' citizens of Israel participated in the study. Structural equation modeling showed direct correlations between self efficacy and Teacher training variables but not with Social Context variables. These results showed specifically, the importance of expressive skills in promoting teaching self efficacy.
Recommended Citation
Mahajna, S. (2014). “On the Way to School”: Structural Analysis of the Relational Path between Social Context Variables and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy among Pre-service Palestinian Teachers in Israel. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(4).