Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Abstract: This study determined triad (a mentor teacher and two student teachers) members’ level of satisfaction (LOS) with paired-placement student teaching, focusing on mutuality and homophily to explore how triad relationships were linked to LOS. The constant comparative method was used to code interview transcripts and field notes. Results showed that of the six satisfied triads, five had mutuality, homophily, strong triad cohesion, and collaborative student teachers. Partially satisfied (four) and dissatisfied (two) triads experienced lack of mutuality and homophily, weak triad cohesion, and uncollaborative student teachers. Recommendations include providing formal training about triad relationships, considering mutuality and homophily when making placements, and placing weaker students in a solo experience.
Recommended Citation
Wilkinson, C., Pennington, T. R., Whiting, E., Newberry, M., Feinauer, E., Losser, J., Haslem, L., & Hall, A. (2014). Triad Relationships and Member Satisfaction with Paired Placement of Student Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(8).
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Educational Methods Commons, Higher Education Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Other Education Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons