Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The 1970s have provided a social, political and economic climate which has been conducive, in many ways, to educational reform. Social and technological changes have helped to foster attitudes which are tolerant of and sometimes encouraging towards progressive ideas and experimentation in education. Public interest in and concern, accentuated by the mass media, for what schooling is or is not doing had been reflected in political policies and government initiatives. There have been signs of a greater desire by parents, and to some extent students, to participate in policy-making in schools. In general, teachers have also shown in the 1970s a greater readiness than in earlier decades to innovate and to experiment with new teaching/learning approaches.
Recommended Citation
Bambach, J. D. (1979). Australia in the 1970's : A Fertile Context for Educational Experimentation and Innovation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 4(1).