Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The teaching of English for Young Learners has become a global phenomenon, but many countries are facing dilemma in terms of teacher preparation (Nunan, 2003; Kaplan, Baldauf, & Kamwangamalu, 2011). Indonesia is of no exception. Its pre-service system has not been adequate to sufficiently prepare elementary English teachers with knowledge and skills pertaining to their occupational needs. Moreover, systematic ways to overhaul the pre-service system remain yet to be seen. This study investigated the perceptions of English teachers and language teacher educators on educational policy measures for the improvement of pre-service education to better prepare elementary English teachers. The findings of the study validate the need for redesigning pre-service education curricula as well as specific preparation for the elementary English teachers. The study also highlights the importance of a training scheme for teacher educators in teaching EYL. Although the implications of the study are derivational from Indonesian present context, they may also shed some light to the quandary currently faced by other countries facing a similar dilemma.
Recommended Citation
Zein, M. (2015). Preparing Elementary English Teachers: Innovations at Pre-service Level. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(6).