Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Initial teacher education programs offered at Australian universities tend to qualify graduates to teach in the age-related contexts of early childhood/primary or secondary, a model that has reflected the organisational evolution of schools. Greater flexibility is required in the design of teacher preparation courses in order to produce graduates who meet teacher registration requirements for early childhood/primary and secondary and who have a better understanding of and focus on the academic and developmental needs of a diverse range of young people. With the establishment and growth of schools with Foundation to Year 9/10/12 learning environments a demand has been created for teachers with skills that will enable them to teach across a broader age range. A teacher who can combine a deep understanding of approaches to child and adolescent development, teaching & learning theories, together with a critical approach to pedagogical principals and practice across the stages schooling with content specialisation knowledge is an asset to any twenty-first century school. A graduate qualified to teach across the primary and secondary school divide has enhanced employment opportunities and a more flexible career pathway.
Recommended Citation
Knipe, S. (2016). Innovation in Course Design. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(3).