Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) were devised to identify the attributes, skills and practices required of teachers at various career stages. This study investigates final-year preservice teachers’ self-reported confidence against the APST at the graduate career stage. This mixed-method study used a Likert scale survey and interviews. Preservice teachers indicated areas of confidence, and also identified potential gaps in their teacher preparation with 30% or more of preservice teachers indicating they lacked confidence to: Use strategies to support full participation of students with a disability; demonstrate understanding for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students; engage with parents and carers to support student learning; and report on student learning to parents and carers. Qualitative data (n=10) explained reasons for these potential gaps, such as a “lack of experience in these areas of teaching” and a need for “universities to ensure experiences in these areas during practicum”.
Recommended Citation
Hudson, S. M., Hudson, P., Weatherby-Fell, N. L., & Shipway, B. (2016). Graduate Standards for Teachers: Final-year Preservice Teachers Potentially Identify the Gaps. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(9).