Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This paper employs a collaborative auto-ethnographic method to reflect on perceptions and design of a pre-service primary teacher mathematics education program in a regional university and the role of that program to prepare beginning teachers for classroom mathematics practice in Far North Queensland. A four-phase analysis that reflected on: a primary teacher education program at a regional university, literature on primary mathematics education, reflections of two teacher educators and a pre-service teacher on Explicit Teaching, and the possible modifications to the practice of teaching and learning in the mathematics education subjects was conducted. Three challenges that emerged from the thematic analysis include: need for critical reflection in using a single teaching approach; need to bridge different priorities existing between schools and university; and optimism to change the approaches to assist students. The paper then discusses possible modifications to the practice of teaching and learning in the mathematics education subjects.
Recommended Citation
Chigeza, P., Jackson, C., & Neilson, A. (2017). Perceptions on the Role of a Pre-service Primary Teacher Education Program to Prepare Beginning Teachers to Teach Mathematics in Far North Queensland. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(11).