Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Pre-service teachers’ instructional self-efficacy, that is, their belief in their own ability to foster learning with instructional tactics, is one predictor of classroom effectiveness. This qualitative investigation used focus groups to gather data from fifty-one pre-service teachers enrolled in one Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree in Australia. Pre-service teachers were asked their perceptions of course related factors that increased their instructional self-efficacy. Focus group transcripts were themed and triangulated with prioritised lists developed by each of the focus groups. Pre-service teachers identified vicarious and enactive modelling, accompanied by professional conversations and a supportive learning culture as contributors to instructional self-efficacy. They also identified the need for continued scaffolding in mastery components of the course, recommending a specific strategy to enhance mastery learning
Recommended Citation
Christian, B. J. (2017). Primary Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Course Related Factors that Enhance Instructional Self-Efficacy. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(2).