Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The present study sought to investigate nonnative L2 teachers’ cognition of teaching methodology based on their collaborative talks. Participants were 12 nonnative EFL teachers categorized into three collaborative discussion groups by their teaching experience. Collaborative discussions were aimed at exploring the participants’ cognition of language teaching methodology, including the criteria for the evaluation of teaching methodology, classroom activities, teaching language skills and sub-skills, teachers’ roles, and learners’ roles in general and communicative language teaching (CLT) in particular. Analysis of the data indicated that the teachers participating in each discussion group held largely similar cognition about most of the issues in teaching methodology and CLT. In addition, there were similarities between the High-experience and Mid-experience groups regarding their cognition of the advantages of CLT, teachers’ roles, and learners’ roles. The results of this study can help teacher educators design more effective teacher education courses and in-service programs to enhance EFL teachers’ cognition of teaching methodology.
Recommended Citation
Tajeddin, Z., & Aryaeian, N. (2017). A Collaboration-Mediated Exploration of Nonnative L2 Teachers’ Cognition of Language Teaching Methodology. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(6).