Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Over the last decade and a half, physical education curricula in New Zealand and Australia have had a strong socio-cultural-critical orientation, providing in depth opportunities for critical inquiry. This article suggests that trying to achieve a criticality maybe impeded and or constrained by present graduating teacher standards. In the discussion, it is highlighted that neither New Zealand nor Australia graduating teacher standards overtly suggest critical inquiry as a part of beginning teachers’ required knowledge, skills or dispositions. This could be a significant constraint on maximising the intent of the New Zealand and Australia physical education curricula. As a result, this article makes suggestions as to how a pedagogical constructive framework, with an emphasis on critical constructivism, might provide a way forward.
Recommended Citation
Culpan, I. (2017). Criticality in Physical Education Teacher Education: Do Graduating Standards Constrain and or Inhibit Curriculum Implementation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(7).
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Health and Physical Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons