Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Clearly, there are many issues that need consideration when one seeks to analyse the role of computers in education. For example, how might computers best support the teaching/learning process given what we know about learning and teaching; what effects will computer technology have on school curriculum; how will presently employed teachers come to grips with this technological change; is all this talk about computer technology and the impact on education relevant anyway - is it more than a fad? In this paper I want to discusss the curriculum implications of computer technology for the infants and primary school. In particular I will attempt to give answers to each of the following questions. what impact are computers having on the school curriculum now; how is the curriculum likely to change in the near future; and what do these changes mean for undergraduate teacher education programs?
Recommended Citation
Hall, N. (1984). Computers in Undergraduate Teacher Education Programs. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 9(2).