Technology adoption in the context of Gross National Happiness (GNH): A systematic literature review

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Sonam Chedup:


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4-12-2024 10:45 AM

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culture, Gross National Happiness, GNH, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, technology adoption, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology


The adoption of e-government is influenced by various factors, including culture which plays a pivotal role in determining the success of these initiatives. This study investigates the intricate relationship between cultural dimensions, Gross National Happiness (GNH) domains, and the adoption of e-government. Following a systematic literature review approach, 18 relevant articles were identified and deemed high quality for thematic analysis. This analysis of the research sample reveals a significant influence of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, such as power distance, uncertainty avoidance, indulgence or restraint, individualism or collectivism, masculinity or femininity, and long-term or short-term orientation, on various GNH domains. Additionally, GNH domains, namely Good Governance, Community Vitality, Cultural Diversity and Resilience, and Psychological Well-being, influence technology adoption. This study provides valuable insights on the linkage between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and GNH domains and their impact on technology adoption behaviour.

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Dec 4th, 10:45 AM

Technology adoption in the context of Gross National Happiness (GNH): A systematic literature review

The adoption of e-government is influenced by various factors, including culture which plays a pivotal role in determining the success of these initiatives. This study investigates the intricate relationship between cultural dimensions, Gross National Happiness (GNH) domains, and the adoption of e-government. Following a systematic literature review approach, 18 relevant articles were identified and deemed high quality for thematic analysis. This analysis of the research sample reveals a significant influence of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, such as power distance, uncertainty avoidance, indulgence or restraint, individualism or collectivism, masculinity or femininity, and long-term or short-term orientation, on various GNH domains. Additionally, GNH domains, namely Good Governance, Community Vitality, Cultural Diversity and Resilience, and Psychological Well-being, influence technology adoption. This study provides valuable insights on the linkage between Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and GNH domains and their impact on technology adoption behaviour.