Directions in accreditation for a GNH-inclusive counselling curriculum and programs in Bhutan

Presenter(s) ORCID:

Tshering Wangmo:


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4-12-2024 1:45 PM

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counselling, Gross National Happiness, GNH, curriculum, accreditation, inclusive


The Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a state policy in Bhutan to achieve happiness and well-being for its people, and the government has identified education as one of the primary approaches to enable the pursuit of GNH. Now, there are two universities providing counselling training programs in Bhutan at a diploma and bachelor’s level. There are various agencies and organizations that offer counselling services in Bhutan, with the PEMA as the Nodal Agency for Mental Health in Bhutan, formed in 2021. Currently, the two counselling programs have differing approaches which may partly be as one university trains counsellors for the education sector and another for the health sector. However, a shared foundation or framework for counselling education could be established through a GNH inclusive philosophy, resulting in a cohesive and relevant curriculum. Accreditation is relatively new for most professions in Bhutan, including counselling programs and services. Recently, with the establishment of Bhutan Qualification and Professionals Certification Authority (BQPCA), the Bhutan Board for Certified Counsellors (BBCC) mandate was transferred to BQPCA to allow certification, which is part of accreditation process, and so that it works within the ambit of the civil services to ensure sustainability and continuity as a civil service agency. Within this context, this paper explores how the alignment of counselling programs offered are relevant and GNH inclusive in Bhutan. In the focus of cultural relevance, it looks at how do they align or acknowledge GNH philosophy as a developmental philosophy, and how the process of accreditation can contribute to a GNH inclusive counselling program, as stated in one of the standards by the BQPCA which describes the attribute of the curricula to be “Dynamic research-oriented and Gross National Happiness (GNH) infused curriculum developed/ borrowed through in-depth study, broad consultations, and based on international best practices. The curriculum is relevant to national development priorities and equips students with global competencies that ensure access to employment opportunities”. For this study, a qualitative research methodology will be employed to gather and study the data on how counselling education in Bhutan aligns with the GNH philosophy through interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). With diverse psycho-social, emotional, behavioral, and cultural needs in counselling, there are possibilities for programs and services to choose from a plethora of counselling approaches, based on differing philosophical frameworks and schools of thinking. While it is important to address such diverse needs in the country, it is equally possible to do so through a GNH context of counselling education. One distinct way to create a GNH inclusive counselling program is through accreditation and as the counselling accreditation becomes dynamic, the value of accreditation practices in counselling education in Bhutan will only become more robust. There is no credible research literature in the counselling education discipline in Bhutan aligning it to GNH principles. Therefore, this paper is crucial in recommending accreditation as the means towards a GNH inclusive counselling curricula.

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Dec 4th, 1:45 PM

Directions in accreditation for a GNH-inclusive counselling curriculum and programs in Bhutan

The Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a state policy in Bhutan to achieve happiness and well-being for its people, and the government has identified education as one of the primary approaches to enable the pursuit of GNH. Now, there are two universities providing counselling training programs in Bhutan at a diploma and bachelor’s level. There are various agencies and organizations that offer counselling services in Bhutan, with the PEMA as the Nodal Agency for Mental Health in Bhutan, formed in 2021. Currently, the two counselling programs have differing approaches which may partly be as one university trains counsellors for the education sector and another for the health sector. However, a shared foundation or framework for counselling education could be established through a GNH inclusive philosophy, resulting in a cohesive and relevant curriculum. Accreditation is relatively new for most professions in Bhutan, including counselling programs and services. Recently, with the establishment of Bhutan Qualification and Professionals Certification Authority (BQPCA), the Bhutan Board for Certified Counsellors (BBCC) mandate was transferred to BQPCA to allow certification, which is part of accreditation process, and so that it works within the ambit of the civil services to ensure sustainability and continuity as a civil service agency. Within this context, this paper explores how the alignment of counselling programs offered are relevant and GNH inclusive in Bhutan. In the focus of cultural relevance, it looks at how do they align or acknowledge GNH philosophy as a developmental philosophy, and how the process of accreditation can contribute to a GNH inclusive counselling program, as stated in one of the standards by the BQPCA which describes the attribute of the curricula to be “Dynamic research-oriented and Gross National Happiness (GNH) infused curriculum developed/ borrowed through in-depth study, broad consultations, and based on international best practices. The curriculum is relevant to national development priorities and equips students with global competencies that ensure access to employment opportunities”. For this study, a qualitative research methodology will be employed to gather and study the data on how counselling education in Bhutan aligns with the GNH philosophy through interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). With diverse psycho-social, emotional, behavioral, and cultural needs in counselling, there are possibilities for programs and services to choose from a plethora of counselling approaches, based on differing philosophical frameworks and schools of thinking. While it is important to address such diverse needs in the country, it is equally possible to do so through a GNH context of counselling education. One distinct way to create a GNH inclusive counselling program is through accreditation and as the counselling accreditation becomes dynamic, the value of accreditation practices in counselling education in Bhutan will only become more robust. There is no credible research literature in the counselling education discipline in Bhutan aligning it to GNH principles. Therefore, this paper is crucial in recommending accreditation as the means towards a GNH inclusive counselling curricula.