Developing a socially, culturally and spiritually applicable palliative care model for Bhutan
Presenter(s) ORCID:
Tara Devi Laabar:
Start Date
4-12-2024 2:15 PM
Presentation Type
Bhutan, advanced illness, terminal illness, palliative care, public health strategy, socially-culturally-spiritually appropriate care
The world’s population is rapidly ageing causing a concomitant increase in chronic diseases globally. Illnesses such as advanced cancer and other chronic illnesses such as heart, lung, liver and renal diseases, cause severe health related suffering in patients and their families. Palliative care is a holistic approach to care aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with such life-limiting conditions and that of their families and loved ones. Palliative care aims to prevent and relieve suffering related to physical pain and other associated symptoms including psychological, social, emotional and spiritual distress of patients and families. Despite being a cost-effective, humane and a realistic approach, palliative care is minimally developed or not available in most low-and-middle-income countries, where it is actually needed the most.
In Bhutan, a tiny Himalayan Kingdom with a population of less than 800,000, besides a limited home palliative care service at the national referral hospital, there is no palliative care service in the country. Therefore, this PhD research program was aimed at developing a socially, culturally and spiritually appropriate palliative care model for Bhutan. Methods: This was a multi-method research program. In Phase 1, an integrative literature review explored palliative care models utilizing public health strategies in lower-income countries, describing how social, cultural and spiritual components were integrated. Needs for palliative care were assessed using surveys, in-depth interviews and focus groups among patients with advanced illnesses, family members and healthcare professionals. In Phase 2, a Delphi consensus process, involving the relevant stakeholders in Bhutan, developed a national framework for palliative care.
Recommended Citation
Laabar, T. D. (2024). Developing a socially, culturally and spiritually applicable palliative care model for Bhutan. Australia-Bhutan Research Conference. Edith Cowan University.
Developing a socially, culturally and spiritually applicable palliative care model for Bhutan
The world’s population is rapidly ageing causing a concomitant increase in chronic diseases globally. Illnesses such as advanced cancer and other chronic illnesses such as heart, lung, liver and renal diseases, cause severe health related suffering in patients and their families. Palliative care is a holistic approach to care aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with such life-limiting conditions and that of their families and loved ones. Palliative care aims to prevent and relieve suffering related to physical pain and other associated symptoms including psychological, social, emotional and spiritual distress of patients and families. Despite being a cost-effective, humane and a realistic approach, palliative care is minimally developed or not available in most low-and-middle-income countries, where it is actually needed the most.
In Bhutan, a tiny Himalayan Kingdom with a population of less than 800,000, besides a limited home palliative care service at the national referral hospital, there is no palliative care service in the country. Therefore, this PhD research program was aimed at developing a socially, culturally and spiritually appropriate palliative care model for Bhutan. Methods: This was a multi-method research program. In Phase 1, an integrative literature review explored palliative care models utilizing public health strategies in lower-income countries, describing how social, cultural and spiritual components were integrated. Needs for palliative care were assessed using surveys, in-depth interviews and focus groups among patients with advanced illnesses, family members and healthcare professionals. In Phase 2, a Delphi consensus process, involving the relevant stakeholders in Bhutan, developed a national framework for palliative care.