Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Over the past two decades evaluation has been one of the growth industries in education. A major impetus for this development, particularly in the united States of America, has been the mandating of evaluations for major policy initiatives at federal and state levels (House, 1981). One result of such legislation has been that academics and private organisations have been engaged, often on long term assignments, to pass judgements on the worth of interventions designed to improve the quality of education made available in educational systems. Features of this approach to evaluation have been that they are large scale well funded, and conducted by experts who have no stake in the programs. Invariably such evaluations have policy makers and politicians as their major audiences, and their major concern is with accountability, making judgements regarding the worth of programs which reflect given policies.
Recommended Citation
Owen, J. M., Welsh, R. J., & Johnson, N. J. (1986). Mathematics and Science in Primary Teacher Education: The Design of a Project to Encourage Review at the Institutional Level. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 11(1).