
Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Australian Journal of Teacher Education


Pre-service teacher education can and should integrate learning about teaching through continuous school-based experience. It is in the dynamic environments of schools and classrooms that prospective teachers learn through observation, experience and reflection to make critical judgements, in real and changing circumstances, about what it means to teach. Moreover, it is through continuous school-based teachIng experience, in a variety of school contexts, that prospective teachers construct their own critical consciousness of the social purposes of schooling and not just the technical skills of teaching. An upheaval in teacher education in Australia is currently foreshadowed by the Australian Education Council (AEC) draft report "Education in Australia.' The report proposes a three year initial degree followed by a two year part-time appointment in a school as an "associate" teacher, concurrent with two years part-time study leadIng to a Bachelor. of Education. As a means of modifying their programmes and / or considering alternatives proposed by outside bodies, all tertiary institutions offering teacher education programmes should confront the challenge of justifying the ideology on which their programmes are based. This paper describes the development of a teacher education programme and the model of integrated teacher educatIon on which it is based. The aim of the paper is to highlight the underlying principles of Interaction and learning that have emerged, as well as the distinctive features of the programme which illustrate these prInciples In practIce. The paper concludes by identifying further research questions relevant to the continuing development of the programme and to the teacher education model.


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