Australian Journal of Teacher Education
For some time in Australia, the Schools Council of the National Board of Employment, Education. and Training has been concerned with issues concerning the quality of teaching as evidenced through its reports on Teacher Quality: An Issues Paper (1989) and Australia's Teachers: An Agenda for the Next Decade (1990). These reports and others highlight the need for teachers to examine continually what they do in their classrooms. Most recently, teacher quality and the need for continued professional development of teachers has been the subject of a ministerial statement (Beazley, 1993). This report notes how the impact of, and responsibility for, effective implementation of change in curriculum and teaching practice falls mainly on teachers. This article assists teachers because it focuses on a technique which teachers can use for examining what is occurring in their own classrooms.
Recommended Citation
Fisher, D., Fraser, B., & Cresswell, J. (1995). Using the "Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction" in the Professional Development of Teachers.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 20(1).