Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Building online networks and designing network activity is becoming central to how educators and other education-based professionals work, train others and teach students. It is only since 1995 that Internet connectivity in Australia has provided the critical mass and momentum which alters how people work, who they work with and how they learn. Thus the business of helping professional networks develop and become part of the lives of their members is uncharted territory and an area for research and development for educators in all fields. This paper shares the story of the development of an Australian Network for Vocational Education Coordinators, who were learning to use an Online professional community (VECO) as part of their working patterns. This paper describes the findings from monitoring the first two years of activity where participants shared reflection of the impact of VECO, and researchers identified the design elements for online networks and online activity which can be applied to building educational networks for training, professional development and professional community.
Recommended Citation
Williams, M., & Bowes., J. (2000). Building the VECO Online Community : a Model for Encouraging Novices.. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 25(1).
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Digital Communications and Networking Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons