
Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Australian Journal of Teacher Education


In March of 1975, we sent a 192 item, ten-Dimension self-report questIonnaire to 550 educators in British Columbia, Canada, who had attended at least one of two conferences on implementing Open Education. The purpose was to determine via mUltiple discriminant analysis what variables affect the type of program (Open vs. Traditional) being implemented in two type's of facilities (Open Area vs. Self-Contained Classrooms) in a 2 x 2 design. A statistically significant discriminant function was found for certain variables on eight Dimensions: Adequacy of Facility, Adequecy of Support, Teaming, Job Satisfaction, Teacher Attitudes, Adequacy of Pre-Service Training, Types and Adequacy of Inservice Training, and Pupil Variables. From these findings, eight recommendations were made to support both the open area and the Open Education concepts so that they might attain the potential claimed for them.

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