Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Drawing upon evaluations of a teacher-training program for Muslim participants presented by Edith Cowan University staff in Singapore, this case study provides readers with insights into program design and management. It reports on lecturer and student attitudes as revealed in evaluations of the Singapore short course. In drawing the conclusion that attention must be given to cultural matters such as religious values and obligations and issues of language and assessment, the article asks the reader to rethink the universality of prevailing notions about internationalisation, particularly those relating to the necessary redesign of the curriculum. It ends with the suggestion that the by-product in terms of new knowledge and mutual understanding of such cross-cultural experiences for both teachers and learners may provide a valuable outcome of the internationalised curriculum.
Recommended Citation
Bowering, M. (2007). A Cross-Cultural Teacher Training Program for Singaporean Muslim Students. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 32(3).