Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This paper narrates the development of a project developed by four researchers with differing approaches to qualitative research. The aim of the study was to examine the value of a school-based approach to pedagogy and curriculum subjects for pre-service teachers. What emerged from our collaboration was the accommodation of significant differences about what constituted ‘evidence.’ The article begins with an account of the project itself, followed by a number of research narratives. The researchers draw upon diverse traditions in qualitative research fields that include program evaluation, empirical research and narrative inquiry. Our study embraced Lather’s (2006) notion of paradigm proliferation in order to elicit more interesting and useful ways of knowing. Our study reveals the importance of school-university partnerships in improving the quality of teacher educationally.
Recommended Citation
Godinho, S., White, J., Hay, T., & St Leger, P. (2007). Many Treasure Soup: A School-Based Project for Pre-Service Teacher Educators. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 32(4).