Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The effective ‘transfer’ of knowledge and skills from university to the workplace is of global interest, yet this area of inquiry lacks research. Teacher educators, for example, require information on how to advance pre-service teachers’ transfer of group-based learning to the primary school classroom (Scott & Baker, 2003). Group-based learning (GBL) is a valued means of developing learners’ group work, personal attributes and interpersonal skills, and in the case pre-service teachers their professional skills.. Graduate teachers do not necessarily generalise GBL pedagogy to the classroom. This discussion paper draws from a qualitative case study that examined this pedagogy in a pre-service teacher education program at a University. The case study revealed three core GBL issues: ‘consistency and coherence’; ‘equity and fairness’; ‘pragmatism and adding value’. This paper proposes four principles of effective transfer and examines how, in relation to these three issues, these principles can promote effective transfer.
Recommended Citation
De Jong, T., Cullity, M., Sharp, S., Spiers, S., & Wren, J. (2010). Proposed Principles for Promoting Pre-service Teacher Transfer of Group-based Learning to the Classroom: A Discussion Paper. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(3).