Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Volume 37, Issue 8 (2012)
Journal Articles
Dead Certainty? The Case for Doubt in Teacher Education.
Sandy Schuck and John Buchanan
Turkish Pre-Service Teachers` Perceived Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Knowledge about Using Expository Text as an Instructional Tool in Their Future Classroom Settings
Kasim Yildirim and Seyit Ates
Education Direct: An Alternative Entry Pathway to Pre-service Teacher Education
Kevin Pilkington and Graeme Lock
Self-determination: Using Agency, Efficacy and Resilience (AER) to Counter Novice Teachers’ Experiences of Intensification
Jayne Keogh, Susanne Garvis, Donna Pendergast, and Pat Diamond
What Pre-service Teachers need to know to be Effective at Values-based Education
Amanda G. Mergler and Rebecca Spooner-Lane
“Talking to Learn”: Focussing teacher education on dialogue as a core practice for teaching and learning.
Christine J. Edwards-Groves and Rhonda L. Hoare
Effects of Increased Self-Regulated Learning Opportunities on Student Teachers’ Motivation and Use of Metacognitive Skills
Emmy Vrieling, Theo Bastiaens, and Sjef Stijnen
Rethinking Sport Teaching in Physical Education: A Case Study of Research Based Innovation in Teacher Education
Shane Pill, Dawn Penney, and Karen Swabey