Australian Journal of Teacher Education

The paper aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the teaching practice model in the University of Buea, which is different from that of other teacher education institutions in Cameroon. Teaching Practice is an important component of a teacher education programme and the quality of supervision and duration are key in achieving effectiveness which is an indicator of the quality of teachers being trained. The study was a descriptive survey that made use of a 22-item closed ended questionnaire with indicators of effectiveness as competencies acquired, supervision and duration of teaching practice, obtained from a review of literature. The questionnaire was validated by 15 students who did not constitute part of the sample. Participants were made up of 140 randomly selected levels 300 and 400 students. Findings reveal that generally, the teaching practice exercise in the University of Buea is effective but supervision and duration need to be improved upon.
Recommended Citation
Endeley, M. N. (2014). Teaching Practice in Cameroon: The Effectiveness of the University of Buea model and implications for quality. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(11).