
Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Australian Journal of Teacher Education


The proposal by Fielding, Cavanagh and Widdowson is that universities should replace the present four-year pre-service teacher training (both end-on and concurrent) with a four-phase scheme requiring five years for the completion of the three pre-service phases. The first phase comprises three years' study towards a relevant undergraduate degree. The second is one year's internship in a school, under the tutelage of a 'master teacher'. In the third phase, the student returns to his Alma Mater to complete one year's study of the fundamental aspects of educational knowledge. The trainee becomes a fully certified teacher at the completion of this third. phase. The fourth open-ended phase refers to the inservice and continuing education and training of the classroom teacher. Our purpose therefore is to explicate the major costs and benefits likely to be perceived by the relevant parties and thus to anticipate the enthusiasm they are likely to exhibit towards the scheme.



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