Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Numerous studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of video as an effective means of reflective practice in pre-service Teacher Education. However, only few studies have explored pre-service teachers’ own perceptions in this regard in the field of ELT and none of these was related to primary level. To address this gap, multiple forms of qualitative data were triangulated. Participants were found to consider the use of video combined with guided reflection and peer dialogue to have a great potential in helping them form links between theory and practice and bring a heightened awareness of their teaching practices, especially in the areas of classroom language, error correction and student-centred activities. The study calls for more research which provides clear evidence of any changes in student teachers’ teaching practices over a period of time and of possible factors which may hinder such changes.
Recommended Citation
Kourieos, S. (2016). Video-Mediated Microteaching – A Stimulus for Reflection and Teacher Growth. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(1).