Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Volume 42, Issue 11 (2017)
Journal Articles
How Well Prepared are Australian Preservice Teachers to Teach Early Reading Skills?
Linda J. Meeks and Coral R. Kemp
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Professional Development on Learning and Teaching in a Developing Nation
Parmeshwar Prasad Mohan, Govinda Ishwar Lingam, and Deepa Dewali Chand
Predictors of Teacher Educators' Research Productivity
Fadia M. Nasser-Abu Alhija and Arin Majdob
Philippine Classroom Teachers as Researchers: Teachers’ Perceptions, Motivations, and Challenges
Mark B. Ulla, Kenneth Ian B. Barrera, and Meller M. Acompanado
Autism Spectrum Disorder Coursework for Teachers and Teacher-aides: An Investigation of Courses Offered in Queensland, Australia
Mitchell Coates, Janeen Lamb, Brendan Bartlett, and Poulomee Datta
A Comparison of the Motivations of Pre-degree and Degree Education Students for Becoming Teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand
Vivienne Hogan, Lynette Reid, and Dale Furbish
Aboriginal Community Engagement in Primary Schooling: Promoting Learning through a Cross-Cultural Lens
Angela Turner, Katie Wilson, and Judith L. Wilks
Emotional Development and Construction of Teacher Identity: Narrative Interactions about the Pre-service Teachers’ Practicum Experiences
(Mark) Feng TENG
Perceptions on the Role of a Pre-service Primary Teacher Education Program to Prepare Beginning Teachers to Teach Mathematics in Far North Queensland
Philemon Chigeza, Cliff Jackson, and Aaron Neilson
Pre-Service Teachers’ TPACK Development and Conceptions through a TPACK-Based Course
Levent Durdu and Funda Dag