Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study explores teachers’ perceptions and motivations, challenges, and needs of 50 teachers in Agusan del Norte, Philippines with regards to doing research. Methodologies used were survey questionnaire, and group and individual interviews. Findings revealed that teacher-respondents had a positive perceptions towards doing research and its benefits to their teaching practice and students’ learning process. Thus, job promotion is the motivating factor why teachers did research. However, reported challenges such as lack of research knowledge and skills, heavy teaching loads, and lack of financial support from the schools obstructed them from doing it. Attending and participating to research trainings, receiving research incentives, and having lighter teaching timetable were what the teachers perceived they need to do research. The implication is for the policy makers, researchers, and school’s officials to consider the findings of this study and address the needs of these teachers in order to create a community of teacher-researchers.
Recommended Citation
Ulla, M. B., Barrera, K. B., & Acompanado, M. M. (2017). Philippine Classroom Teachers as Researchers: Teachers’ Perceptions, Motivations, and Challenges. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42(11).
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