Australian Journal of Teacher Education

This study investigated the effects of the GLAMA (Girls! Lead! Achieve! Mentor! Activate!) and BLAST (Boys! Lead! Activate! Succeed Together!) controlled 8-week peer-led stealth intervention on school connectedness and physical activity self-efficacy(PASE). The GLAMA and BLAST sessions were conducted during curriculum time in an Australian state secondary school by 49 Year 10 student leaders and 206 Year 7 students. Year 7 school connectedness decreased in both the control and intervention schools (p
Recommended Citation
Jenkinson, K. A., Naughton, G., & Benson, A. C. (2018). A Stealth Intervention: The GLAMA (Girls! Lead! Achieve! Mentor! Activate!) and BLAST (Boys! Lead! Activate! Succeed Together!) School Connectedness, Peer Leadership and Physical Activity Transition Program. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1).
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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Other Education Commons, Other Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons